The Club

The Hellcats Hockey Club sponsors four teams in the Over 40 A, Gold A, Gold B, and Gold C divisions of the Oakland Ice Center, operated by Sharks Ice. With over 75 members, the Club mission is to support members passion for the game, individual skill development, and enjoyment within the team context.



Membership is open to any interested player during the year, but the enrollment period is in the month proceeding the next season. From Summer season the enrollment period is March. From Winter season the enrollment period is August.

If you are interested in getting involved or want to learn more about the Club please contact us using the form below.


[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Website Contact’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Telephone’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Skill Level/Division’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Additional Information’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


Board of Directors

Club operations are managed but the General Manager and guided by the Club Board composed of Captains from each team and Goalkeepers. Board actions are overseen by the Club President. Board meetings are conducted under the influence of Fritz Maytag’s Rules of Order. Board meetings are held at the Royal Exchange on a quarterly basis and are open to all members unless otherwise directed.

The hockey operations are managed by the Manager of Equipment, Transportation, and Logistics.

All official board actions must be approved at a full board meeting by a majority of the members present. Committee recommendations and proposals are presented at a full board meeting and are accepted only after action by the full board. The board may approve by majority vote, reject, refine, or refer back to committee the recommendations presented for approval. For the purpose of voting, each board member has one vote; the president will vote only in the case of a tie vote among all other attending board members.

Presented in years of service:

  • Steve Nelson, President
  • Brian Cronin
  • Jim Scott
  • Tuomas Lumikko
  • Clay Marquez
  • Justen Stepka
  • Jake Wiskel
  • Matt Kaczkowski
  • Jeff Fitterman
  • Matt McClure