Club Announces 2024 Summer Season Sign-up

Joe McGrath
General Manager

The Hellcats Hockey Club has announced the posting of the sign-up for the 2024 Summer Season. The 2024 Summer Season begins on June 18th and ends on September 29th (players must renew their USA Hockey membership to play any game after August 31st). The Hellcats are involved in Division 1, Division 3, and Over 40 A & B.

Game days with primary and alternate days are:
  • Division 1 – Tuesday / Thursday
  • Division 2 – N/A
  • Division 3 – Thursday / Monday
  • Over 40 A & B – Sunday morning

This season will comprise a 12-game regular season format with single-elimination playoffs for the top four teams in each division. A consolation game will be offered to nonplayoff-qualifying teams. The rosters will lock after the 5th game.

Player fees are subject to change but are currently assumed to be $535 for a full-season and $335 for a half-season; this may be adjusted due to the number of players signing up and whether they are full-time or half-time.

A 2023-2024 USA Hockey registration will be required for all games before August 31st, and a 2024-2025 USA Hockey registration will be required for all games after August 31st. Register at and be prepared to add your registration number to your BenchApp profile in the registration field.

All players must abide by Alameda County Public Health Department guidelines.

Thank you,

~Cappy and the AssCaps

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